
A 7-week online class to help you be the best parent you can be for your teen.

The Next Class Starts September 27th. Secure Your Spot Before It Fills Up.

With Yshai Boussi, LPC

What Is This About?

Parenting teens can be complicated and messy. This class will give you importan and practical tools, strategies and perspectives that will improve your effectiveness with your teen and create more harmony between the two of you.

The underlying approach will be based on collaboration and problem solving with your teen. You’ll learn how authentic connection, boundaries and expectations go together. Parents that get the most out of this class are ones who are willing to self-reflect, take responsibility for their role and provide compassion for themselves and others.

In this class you’ll see that while some of your specific struggles may be unique, you’re not alone in your frustrations, anger, sadness and disappointments. At the same time, you can expect to be reminded that you’re resilient, strong and likely doing better than you realize.

We’ll be focusing on strengths, positive skills and solutions that do not shame and blame.

What You Can Expect

Course Price: $399 Single Parent or Co-parents.

This parenting thing is no joke, especially right now. Our kids often bring us so much meaning and joy.  They can also bring us to our knees, curled up in tears, withdrawn and shut down, or so angry we end up harming the very people we strive so hard to protect.

I promise you you’re not alone. You’re a good parent or you wouldn’t care so much. Learning new skills, modifying your approach when necessary and adapting are the most important items in a parenting toolbox. Let’s learn and grow together. I hope to see you in class!

These Years Will Go By Fast, Don't Miss Out On This Opportunity To Help Your Teen And Get More Connected!


7 Weekly Sessions, 1.5 hours of LIVE interaction and learning per week plus a 30 minute coaching call to help you integrate the lessons!

What will be asked of you:
  • An open mind.
  • A webcam.
  • An intention of attending each class.
  • A willingness to reflect and learn.
  • A willingness to support others.
  • Compassion towards yourself.
  • Some levity and humor would be great!

Class Schedule:

Class 1: Intro to adolescence & the brain. Their illogical behavior will make so much more sense after this.

Class 2: Working with the nervous system to reduce reactivity and increase motivation and openness.

 Class 3: Effective connection with a teen that doesn’t seem interested. 




Class 4  Expectations and accountability.

Class 5  How to reduce their anxiety without their help.

Class 6  Gaming and devices.

Class 7  Review, final questions and applications.

Feedback From Past Participants

“I would highly recommend this class! Parenting teens doesn’t have to be complicated. Yshai really helped break down the essential issues and challenges and then gave us a tool kit for ways to address them. Key ideas like “connection before correction” are simple to implement and help us work toward our goal of being the best parents we can be. The class had a nice blend of new material and parent-to-parent support discussion so we could see that we are all struggling with similar issues and feel encouraged and supported. I am very grateful we took this class.” –Weston

“I couldn’t recommend this parenting class more highly! The content is relevant for ALL parents raising teenagers and I walked away feeling inspired, supported and empowered with a new awareness and a much more positive approach to parenting my teen. Yshai’s class provided information that not only helped me with parenting my own teenager, but also helped me to become a better psychologist to teenagers and their parents. I am eternally grateful for all I learned!” –Christine

“Yshai’s class provided weekly respite where parents voices could be heard and our children’s needs could be considered. The material was spot on, and the conversations were thoughtful and enabled us to remember we’re all in this together, and it’s going to be ok.” -Belinda

“I would highly recommend Yshai’s course to parents of adolescents. It provided me with several insights into my child’s perspective and increased my appreciation of how they are experiencing their environment. I also enjoyed meeting the other parents. The sessions were exactly the right length and the group size was perfect for productive discussion and sharing of thoughts and ideas. Class content and material was also very well presented and extremely useful. All in all a great experience.”

Yshai’s parenting class was supportive and very informative. It helped me understand so much about my 13 year old and where he is in his development. I also learned what I can do to best support my child right now and how to problem solve struggles he or we might be having. I highly recommend this class to any parent who wants to learn more about parenting.”

“I would highly recommend this class. Yshai has done his research and really what makes teenagers tick. He’s also very empathic and good at supporting parents through difficult periods with their kids. He also imparts lots of hope which is so important.”